George Franklin David, III was born November 6, 1923 in Wilberforce, Ohio. He attended the Laboratory School and the Wilberforce Academy. A Chemistry and Zoology dual major, he received a B.S. degree in 1943. He was initiated into the Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi in 1940 and served as Keeper of Records and Polemarch. An advanced ROTC student, he was commissioned a 2nd Lt. Chemical Warfare Service in 1943. He served in the European Theater and attended the University of St. Andrews after the war. He was discharged in 1948.
He began his career as a QC Chemist at the Soya Products Division of the Glidden Co. Starting as a QC Chemist at Oscar Mayer & Co. in 1952 he progressed to Food Technologist, Supervisor of Statistical QC, Manager of the Double “O” Dry Sausage Plant and the Executive Training Program (Foreman in each Department). From 1960-62 he was Plant Superintendent of the Sinai Kosher Sausage Co., then the 2nd largest in the USA. After one year as Plant Superintendent of the Superior Meat Co. in Gary IN, he moved to Massilon OH as QC Manager of Superior Brand Meats. He was promoted to Asst. Operations Manager in charge of all processing and packaging operations (800 employees). His career in business was concluded at Parks Sausage Co. in Baltimore MD. He progressed from Plant Superintendent to Vice President of Operations and Director. He was part of a 4 person group that purchased controlling interest in the company. He retired in 1988.
George F. David was a charter member of Columbus GA Alumni. He belonged to the Greensboro NC, Chicago and Akron Alumni chapters. In the BAC he was the House Manager 1976-81, Newsletter editor 1988-present, Historian 1991-2018. He served on the Bylaws, Membership Intake, 75th Anniversary, and Black & White and History committees. In the Eastern Province he was the Budget Committee Chairman from 1980-90. As the Province Historian from 1989-95, two editions of THE HISTORY OF THE EASTERN PROVINCE were published in 1990 and 1994; the latter with Terrance Blount. The first edition received both the Province and Grand Chapter William L. Crump Awards; the second the Grand Chapter award.
George was named Chairman of the Senior Kappa Affairs Committee by Grand Polemarch Howard L. Tutman, Jr. in 1999 and continued in that post by Grand Polemarch Samuel Hamilton in 2003.
Brother David joined Chapter Invisible on April 4, 2014.